Zombies vs Berserk joc:

Lupte, 1 Jucător, Medievale, Sânge, Cumpărare Echipamente Actualizate, Zombi, Ucidere, Arc, First Person Shooter, 3D, Sabie, Cont Y8, WebGL, Cele mai mari scoruri Y8, Realizări Y8, Adrenalină, Supraviețuire Horror | Dată Adăugată 28 Mar 2017
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  • Move
    Select Sword
    Select Bow
  • Buy a weapon
    Activate Berserk Mode
    Use Health Bottle
    Lock/Unlock mouse cursor

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You are the Berserker. A powerful hero called to defend the medieval city against the hordes of zombies ... Use your power to slow down time and crush those rotten cadavers who want to eat your brain. Choose between bow or powerful swords, katanas and other axes! Will you prefer to slash your enemies or will you be the angel of death with the bow in your hand? Survive as long as possible to unlock all the achievements and get the best score!

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Zombies vs Berserk
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