X-Jong joc:

Puzzle, 1 Jucător, Abilități Mouse, Potrivire, Crăciun, HTML5, Mobil, Touchscreen, Mahjong, Gândire | Dată Adăugată 28 Aug 2020
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X-Jong a happy Christmas mahjong game. We all love Christmas season, that season gives us lots of happiness and fun. Here we have a game with a bit of surprise. Playing mahjong in this Christmas season is fun, so we bought a beautiful mahjong game with Santa, gifts, Christmas trees, reindeer and more. Play the game with the same mahjong rules. Match a pair of tiles which are free side ways or adjacent to eliminate the tiles. Keep an eye on timers, clear the tiles before times runs out, If you stuck in middle, ask hint to get help. Try to eliminate special tiles to get more bonus. Complete the total board to win the levels. Complete all 50 levels to have complete Christmas fun.

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