Vegas Clash 3D joc:

1 Jucător, Sânge, Cazinou, Abilități Mouse, Ucidere, 3D, Armă, Violenţă, HTML5, Touchscreen, A Treia Persoană Împușcătoare, Police | Dată Adăugată 15 Sep 2021
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  • Toggle cursor lock
    Throw grenade

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The Las Vegas casino is full of cash. This is the best moment for your Sassy Elvis gang to make an unfriendly visit to the underground vault. Your van is parked at the corner of the building - so boldly grab the bags and carry them there. But the owners of the casino are also not dummies and called the cops who will become on guard of the law and will try to protect private property. But we know who's in charge here? By the way, in the backstreets of the building you can find a dusty powerful revolver, which blows the heads off once or twice. The character levelling system will give you an advantage in further battles, so earn stars in battles as much as possible. And only a few will be able to upgrade weapons to golden skins, we hope this it will be you! Have fun playing this game here at!

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Vegas Clash 3D
Vegas Clash 3D
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