Vea's Chronicles joc:

1 Jucător, Capcane, Obstacol, 3D, Unity3D, WebGL, Pixel | Dată Adăugată 07 Nov 2020
Adaugă la cele mai bune 3 jocuri ale tale
430 jucări
  • Move
    Jump / Dash

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Vea's Chronicles pixel girl adventure game with lots of twists and traps. Our cute little vera has trapped in an unknown dungeon where she has to escape from that. But the dungeon is filled with traps and obstacles. Help her to get out of there, she has special powers as she can fly and smash the walls. If you want to smash the walls you have to press space and go into the wall direction. There are falling bridges and spikes which can kill our pixel princess instantly, so be quick and careful while travelling in the dungeon. Help her to get out from there and make her free. Playlot more games like this only on

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Vea's Chronicles
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