Tumbletown Mathletics joc:

Puzzle, 1 Jucător, Copilași, Matematică, Abilități Mouse, Chestionar, HTML5, Desene animate, Mobil, Touchscreen, Gândire | Dată Adăugată 07 Aug 2020
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When you combine math with athletics and your favourite Tumbletown Tales characters you get Tumbletown Mathletics, an exciting new way to practice math and exercise your brain! Playing Mathletics will help your kids develop some great math skills! From addition and subtraction, to perimeter, fractions, and money values, Mathletics is a great tool. Watch your kids and marvel at the way they move from level to level increasing their math knowledge. Have fun and play along knowing that your kids are following the Ontario Math Curriculum and learning such skills as addition, subtraction and fractions in a playful and entertaining way.

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