Trigger Happy joc:

1 Jucător, Flash | (10.7 MB) Dată Adăugată 26 Feb 2012
Adaugă la cele mai bune 3 jocuri ale tale
3,275 jucări
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  • Aim/Shoot

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Not only is Trigger Happy an awesome game by itself, but it also goes beyond pure entertainement and builds upon your reflex and aiming skills for competitive FPS tournaments! My friend Kyle played this game a few times and now he wins EVERY Team Fortress game he plays… by himself. Opponents flee in terror as he triple back flips and then single hit headshots and kills Heavies. He’s that awesome, and he totally credits this game for boosting his skills! And his girlfriend is hotter now too!

Scores are submitted to the site, so don’t be afraid to challenge your friends and throw their pathetic lack of targeting ability in their faces.

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Trigger Happy
Trigger Happy
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