Traffic-Light Simulator joc:

1 Jucător, Simulare, Reflex, Abilități Mouse, Maşină, 3D, WebGL | Dată Adăugată 13 May 2024
Adaugă la cele mai bune 3 jocuri ale tale
62 jucări
  • Control traffic lights

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"Traffic-Light simulator" is an immersive simulation game where players take on the role of a traffic controller tasked with managing the flow of vehicles through a bustling city intersection. Set against the backdrop of a dynamic urban landscape, players must strategically operate a traffic light to prevent congestion, accidents, and ensure smooth traffic flow. With each passing level, the intensity and complexity of traffic increase, testing the player's decision-making skills and reflexes. Enjoy playing this game here at!

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Traffic-Light Simulator
Traffic-Light Simulator
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