Tic-Tac-What? joc:

Puzzle, 2 Jucători, tablă, Bazat pe ture, WebGL, Gândire | Dată Adăugată 19 Aug 2024
Adaugă la cele mai bune 3 jocuri ale tale
79 jucări
  • Drag and drop piece

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Let’s spice up the classic tic-tac-toe! Imagine playing with not just Xs and Os, but four different shapes. You can even customize your board and challenge your friends! Here’s how you play: simply use your mouse to click on the shape you want to place. Then click again where you want it to go on the board. If you change your mind, just right-click to pick a new shape. Oh, and if you’re using a triangle, you can spin it around with your scroll wheel. Easy peasy!

Rule #0 A player can win by either placing shapes horizontally, vertically, or on any of the diagonals on the board.
Rule #1 Players are determined by colors, as opposed to classical tic-tac-toe where they are determined by either circle or cross shapes.
Rule #2 Your opponent attacks after you place a shape.
Rule #3 A circle has two lives. Use it for defensive strategies.
Rule #4 A cross attacks diagonally.
Rule #5 A square attacks vertically and horizontally.
Rule #6 A triangle attacks forward and rotates clockwise. It can be placed in any starting direction.

Enjoy playing this game here at Y8.com!

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