Temple Plunder joc:

1 Jucător, Obstacol, 3D, Săritură, WebGL | Dată Adăugată 18 Jul 2020
Adaugă la cele mai bune 3 jocuri ale tale
587 jucări
  • Move
    Pickup/Drop Items

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Top down adventure game, loot the temple as much as possible within 5 mins. Your bag will get full up so drop of your goods at the cart!Collect the keys to open the treasure room door and get the prized red orb! Enter into the forbidden temple, roam around the mysterious way with your torch on, lots of treasure is kept very secret, find out the treasure and also loot the valuable objects in the temple, finally collect the keys to open the secret door to open the room.

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Temple Plunder
Temple Plunder
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