Strawberry Shortcake: Lets Make Lemonade joc:

1 Jucător, Flash, Câine, Fruct, Animal, Mâncare | (645 KB) Dată Adăugată 16 Sep 2010
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Help Strawberry Shortcake and her friend Lemon run a lemonade stand. Use your mouse to move the basket back and forth and gather up the lemonade ingredients as they fall. Then click on the pitchers to fill the passing glasses with lemonade. To serve the lemonade, click and drag the glasses to your customers—but avoid Pupcake and Custard, or they will make a mess!

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Acest joc este parte dintr-o serie:Strawberry Shortcake

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Strawberry Shortcake: Lets Make Lemonade
Strawberry Shortcake: Lets Make Lemonade
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