Splash Art! Summer Time joc:

1 Jucător, Copilași, Abilități Mouse, Desen, Amuzant, Colorare, HTML5, Desene animate, Mobil, Touchscreen | Dată Adăugată 21 Jul 2020
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In the cartoon world, another Splash Art! Summer Time. Summer came and all the characters went to rest, and among them our beloved Mr. Bean. He grabbed his faithful friend a teddy bear and set off in all serious ways. Summer Time Splash Art. Tom and Jerry, Dorothy and The Wizard of Oz, Scooby Doo, Bugs Bunny and Mr. Bean are some of the characters waiting for you to join the fun You yourself can see how Bean has fun, and to make his adventures even more interesting and beautiful, try to color them. We offer you a set of several sketches and tools for coloring and drawing: brushes, pencils, fill and a palette of colors. You can not only paint, but also draw pictures. In addition to Bean, you will meet Bunny rabbit and baby Jerry.

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Splash Art! Summer Time
Splash Art! Summer Time
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