Slenderman History: WWII Faceless Horror joc:

1 Jucător, Război, Zombi, First Person Shooter, 3D, Înfricoșător, WebGL, Supraviețuire Horror | Dată Adăugată 04 Sep 2018
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The Nazis have always made great villains and for good reason. During the World War 2 they performed a series of medical experiments on their soldiers, trying to make a super soldier. They even played with the Occult! With powerful ancient artifact they summon the devil himself. His name is Slenderman!!! Infiltrate the Nazi base, find the secret bunker and recover two briefcases with documents about their experiments. Good Luck!

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Slenderman History: WWII Faceless Horror
Slenderman History: WWII Faceless Horror
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