Shoot the Turkey joc:

1 Jucător, Flash, Abilități Mouse, Animal, Mâncare | (406 KB) Dată Adăugată 04 Feb 2013
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Shoot the turkey is a type of shooting game created by games2rule.In the time of thanksgiving, the Central turkey Jail (this is where the place of criminal turkeys were trapped) officer decides to kill some of the criminal turkeys in the jail. But the news was spread all over the jail. All the turkeys are planning to escape from the jail. The Jail officer gives a gun to you and shoots the escaping turkeys. Don�t leave more than 10 turkeys it will end your game. Collect the dead turkey flesh to get more score. Shoot the turkeys and enjoy the thanksgiving with this game.

Cum să joci:

Use mouse to shoot the turkeys.

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Shoot the Turkey
Shoot the Turkey
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