Rodland of Pipes joc:

1 Jucător, 3D, Monştri, WebGL | Dată Adăugată 18 Sep 2024
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Delve into the chilling depths of Rodland of Pipes, a horror game where mystery and fear intertwine. Nestled beneath the earth’s surface lies an extensive network of pipes. Yet, the origin of their creation remains unknown, as does their final destination. Lurking within these labyrinthine tubes are sinister creatures. Will you manage to perform your duty and remain unscathed? And then there’s the enigma dubbed as ‘Rodland.’ Scattered flyers suggest he’s involved in a humble plumbing business. But could they be veiling a more ominous plot underneath? Armed with cutting-edge tools, your task is not only to navigate this intricate maze but to unravel the truth behind it all. Brace yourself for a deep dive into Rodland of Pipes — a game where horror lurks around every corner, and secrets wait to be unearthed. Enjoy playing this game here at!

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