Rebel Forces joc:

Armată, 1 Jucător, Multiplayer, Sânge, Cumpărare Echipamente Actualizate, Ucidere, First Person Shooter, 3D, Armă, Cont Y8, WebGL, Cele mai mari scoruri Y8, Salvare Y8 | Dată Adăugată 25 Feb 2019
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  • Aim/Look around
    Scroll weapons
    Zoom In/Out
  • Reload
    Pickup weapon
    Toggle cursor lock
    Toggle pause/menu

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Get ready to enter the arena with other players in Rebel Forces and test your shooting skills in a crazy combat. An action-packed first-person shooter game in which you lace up the boots of an ultimate soldier and take to the battlefield. In this game, you have the option to play either online or solo in campaign mode. Pick whatever you fancy, and shoot down any hostiles that stand in your way.

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