Monsters James P.Sullivan Stomach Doctor joc:

1 Jucător, Flash, Abilități Mouse, Monştri, Desene animate, Doctor | (1.23 MB) Dată Adăugată 23 Jul 2015
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You are a big eater? Monster James P.Sullivan really like to eat, it eat a lot of food every day. Today it still eat a lot of food, but it suddenly feels intestinal
stomach discomfort, it quickly opened up the 911.
Came to the hospital, let us give the Monster to do something basic physical examination, such as measuring heart rate, body temperature and etc.Then we give it to do a gastroscopy surgery, we saw a lot of the food was not digest in the stomach, let us help it to remove food and further treatment. Soon it's body recovered, it can eat its favorite food, and do not forget to dress up the monster.

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Monsters James P.Sullivan Stomach Doctor
Monsters James P.Sullivan Stomach Doctor
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