Mine Trap joc:

1 Jucător, Flash, Capcane, Platforme, Mină | (5.75 MB) Dată Adăugată 09 Dec 2014
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It seems a big pity to overlook an interesting content and an amazing story of Mine Trap. Make sure to crush down all hesitancy from your mind and then join in the game for more in-depth exploration now, guys!

After discovering a strange mine, a miner is curious to find out what is inside. A strong desire of collecting valuable treasures does urge him on a journey. Becoming his assistant is what you must do right now! First of all, guide him around platforms and look at everything. Second, help the miner seize all gold keys scattered everywhere before reaching the elevator. Of course, the elevator is only activated after all these keys have already been collected. Remember to avoid lava holes, gruesome monsters and poisonous bats since these will harm him.

Have yourself well prepared for the upcoming journey? Have a good time in Mine Trap!

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