Magic Towers Solitaire joc:

Puzzle, Arcade, 1 Jucător, Cărţi, Abilități Mouse, HTML5, Mobil, Touchscreen, Solitaire | Dată Adăugată 22 Dec 2011
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Magic Towers Solitaire is a fun Solitaire game. All you have to do in this online solitaire game is to clear the three towers of cards to win a level, game rules are very similar to regular tri peaks solitaire. Each time you complete a layout, you will move on to the next round of the game and begin again. Click on the next card that is higher or lower in sequence, all you have to make a sequence of games, where you have to place higher or lower order cards on deck with the next coming cards. Plan your strategy for all the deck of cards to clear and win the level. If you feel you are stuck in middle then you can use undo button but only allows one undo at a time.

Features in this game:

  • Option to use the wild card wisely to increase your chances of completing a round. Mostly it is recommend playing the card towards the end of a round.
  • Play quickly to increase your time bonus.
  • The undo button allows you to undo one move at a time, all you need to do is prepare your strategy for your next move.

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