Little Daisy Christmas Eve joc:

1 Jucător, Flash, Copilași, Crăciun, Bebeluș | (2.28 MB) Dată Adăugată 07 Feb 2014
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Little Daisy Christmas Eve is awesome game that you have to play for the Holidays. In this fun game it is Christmas time and Little Daisy has to decorate the Christmas tree for the Christmas. Your job is to help Little Daisy to decorate the Christmas tree. First she has to buy the Christmas items. Try to make Little Daisy happy by giving her the items she ask for. In the first level you have to wake Little Daisy up to do shopping for Christmas. In the second level you have to get Little Daisy ready for shopping. Dress her up with woolen clothes, hat, gloves, scarf and winter boots. Give her a shopping basket. In the third level you have to give Little Daisy a best Christmas shopping experience. And finally in the fourth level help Little Daisy to get ready for the Christmas. Dress her up in beautiful Christmas clothes and help her to decorate the room and the Christmas tree. Use your mouse to interact in the game. Mary Christmas and have a nice holidays!

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Little Daisy Christmas Eve
Little Daisy Christmas Eve
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