Inky - vol 2 joc:

Puzzle, 1 Jucător, Flash, tablă | (1.65 MB) Dată Adăugată 17 Feb 2014
Adaugă la cele mai bune 3 jocuri ale tale
819 jucări
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Play the Inky game. Fill in the blank squares so that each row and each column contain all of the digits 1 thru 9 without repetitions.
The heavy lines indicate areas (called cages) that contain groups of numbers that can be
combined (in any order) to produce the result shown in the cage, with the indicated math
operation. For example, 36× means you can multiply the values together to produce 36. Number in cages may repeat if not on the same row or column.
Click on the numbers in the top right part of the screen to select the number. Click on an empty box to write the number. Click on a previous written number to delete it.

Cum să joci:

Game is completely controlled by mouse.

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Inky - vol 2
Inky - vol 2
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