Helix Run joc:

Arcade, 1 Jucător, Skateboard, Cumpărare Echipamente Actualizate, Abilități Mouse, Alergare, Patinaj, WebGL, Atinge | Dată Adăugată 20 Sep 2019
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Run through the narrow helix maze, at the start with the skateboard. Stay focused on the game, and try to turn on the right side on time, because if you fall down, you will need to start over again. The game will become faster and more difficult, and you will need to follow that pace. Collect the coins by the way, they will enable to open gifts, in which are hiding new vehicles, with whom you can continue the game. Choose another from the unlocked vehicle list, you will find it on the shop box on the menu, or the car icon on the upper left corner. Enjoy!

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Helix Run
Helix Run
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