Funny Shooter Bro joc:

1 Jucător, Cumpărare Echipamente Actualizate, Abilități Mouse, Ucidere, First Person Shooter, Armă, WebGL | Dată Adăugată 27 Jun 2024
Adaugă la cele mai bune 3 jocuri ale tale
25 jucări
  • Aim/Look around
    Zoom In/Out
    Throw grenade
    Dash (hold)
    Tab key :

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Funny Shooter Bro is a web-based FPS game where humor meets high-stakes action. In this game, you’ll face off against quirky enemies known as Redmen, who are notoriously hostile towards strangers. With a cartoonish art style and wacky sound effects, this game puts a light-hearted spin on the traditional first-person shooter. As you start the game, you are dropped into a vividly designed map armed only with your trusty weapon. Your primary task is to navigate through the town, where every corner could hide a new threat. The Redmen are vigilant and will attack in droves with their sticks at the first sight of an intruder. Enjoy playing this first person shooter game here at!

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Funny Shooter Bro
Funny Shooter Bro
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