Funny Fruits: Merge and Gather Watermelon joc:

1 Jucător, Fruct, Potrivire, WebGL | Dată Adăugată 15 Jun 2024
Adaugă la cele mai bune 3 jocuri ale tale
207 jucări
  • Aim/Drop fruit

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"Collect the cheerful fruits! Merge them to help them evolve into something even tastier: when identical fruits touch, they transform into a new type, becoming even larger. Hurry to gather as many as you can to prevent the box from overflowing. Can you collect all the fruits and grow a huge watermelon? Compete with friends to see who can earn the highest score!" Enjoy playing this game here at!

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Funny Fruits: Merge and Gather Watermelon
Funny Fruits: Merge and Gather Watermelon
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