Fun Ball 3D joc:

1 Jucător, Minge, Platforme, Abilități Mouse, 3D, Săritură, Mobil, Touchscreen, WebGL | Dată Adăugată 27 Aug 2024
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27 jucări
  • Jump

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Dive into the rhythmic world of Fun Ball 3D game here at Y8! Enjoy a thrilling music game where timing and precision are key! Take control of a bouncing ball that jumps forward in sync with the beat of the music. As you play, barrels appear based on the rhythm, creating a dynamic and immersive experience. Swipe to jump onto each barrel as they generate. Miss a barrel, and it’s game over. Successfully navigate through the entire track, and you’ll be rewarded with a triumphant three-star rating! Enjoy playing this ball jumping music game here at!

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Fun Ball 3D
Fun Ball 3D
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