Food Cart joc:

1 Jucător, Cumpărare Echipamente Actualizate, Abilități Mouse, Extraterestru, Bani, Mâncare, Food Serving, HTML5, Mobil, Touchscreen, Clicking, Idle | Dată Adăugată 03 Aug 2020
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Food Cart a fun clicker game to server the Indian food for 100's of kids, families around you. Travel across the Indian streets and spread the Food Truck cooking craze, something a restaurant could never let you do! pani puri , Chana puri, orange huice, paan, ice golas, aloo tikki chat, bhel puri, cotton candy, pav bhaji, chai, and lots more at our Street food truck, . Let’s cook. Build your tasty restaurant empire with jasteen at the sprawling Victorian mansion in Florence & enter the Indian tasty food industry. Unleash your inner chef and do a restaurant makeover for your prestigious restaurant at tasty hills dinner town. Decorate and upgrade the food truck with latest equipments from the shop and introduce latest dishes for hungry customers. Don't forget about aliens, they are very huge fan of our Indian dishes.

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