Duo Survival 2 joc:

Puzzle, 2 Jucători, Platforme, Zombi, Obstacol, HTML5, Mobil, Touchscreen, Fizică | Dată Adăugată 13 Jun 2024
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132 jucări
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    Throw bottle
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    Smash/Swing bat
  • Start level

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"Duo Survival 2" is a captivating cooperative puzzle game where teamwork takes center stage as players unite to navigate through a zombie-infested world. In this sequel, players are tasked with guiding two characters, each possessing unique abilities, through a series of intricate puzzles and treacherous environments. The game is designed for two players, making it an ideal choice for those looking to share a gaming experience with a friend. "Duo Survival 2" continues the story of survival against the odds, with the heroes now on a quest to find a cure for the zombie plague. This narrative drive adds a layer of urgency and purpose to the game, providing context for the players’ actions and decisions. As players progress, they’ll encounter increasingly difficult obstacles that test both their problem-solving skills and their ability to work seamlessly as a team. The dynamic between the two characters is crucial, as each puzzle or challenge often relies on the special skills of one or both characters. Enjoy playing this duo adventure puzzle game here at Y8.com!

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Duo Survival 2
Duo Survival 2
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