Dragon Ball Super Online joc:

Lupte, 1 Jucător, Abilități Mouse, HTML5, Desene animate, Mobil, Touchscreen, Dragon Ball Z | Dată Adăugată 12 Oct 2024
Adaugă la cele mai bune 3 jocuri ale tale
6 jucări
  • Drag to move left/right

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Dragon Ball Super Online a fun skill-based gameplay inspired on the anime Dragon Ball Super is what you need to become a legendary Z fighter in this game! Freeze will fire his beams at you at varying speeds according on the difficulty level you choose (easy, normal, or hard). Make a selection based on your abilities. To evade the barrage of bullets, drag Goku to the left or right using the mouse. If you take too many hits, you'll eventually succumb to death. Simultaneously, gather the dragon balls that fall. To become a Super Sayan, you need to capture all seven of them. Carry on in this revised form until you've reached your last stage of development. The more times Freeza attacks, the faster it gets. It's that easy, and it's a lot of fun, so get going immediately and have a blast! Enjoy playing this Dragon Ball game here at Y8.com!

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Dragon Ball Super Online
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