Donut Decoration joc:

1 Jucător, Flash, Mâncare | (749 KB) Dată Adăugată 09 Jun 2011
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Girls and boys, its time to exercise your culinary skills in a new cooking game. Everybody likes donuts, not everybody can eat them, but we will be concentrating on preparing them. In this recipe you fill find that there are a variety of ornaments and flavours you can use to decorate your donut in order to make it look delicious as it can be. This is a yummy dessert recipe that you can use every time there is a holiday coming up, or if you want to make a delicious surprise to your friends and family, you can make them some Donuts as a gift. Enjoy this simple recipe of Donuts, and show it to your family, and tell them what you want for dessert.

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This game is played with mouse only.

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Donut Decoration
Donut Decoration
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