Cucumber Cooler joc:

1 Jucător, Flash, Gătit | (1.88 MB) Dată Adăugată 05 Jul 2013
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Cucumber Cooler is one of the newest cooking games with Chef Anita for the Anita's Cooking Class series of cooking and baking games that can be played for free online. Today Anita invites us to learn how to Cucumber Cooler. Cucumber cooler with mint makes a very refreshing drink. This has a nice and soothing taste. This drink can be prepared up to a day in advance and it is great for outdoor parties and picnics. Just follow the cooking instructions that Anita gives you step by step and make sure you will stick with the recipe and you will see how to mix the ingredients and prepare these Cucumber Cooler Recipe. Have Fun!

Cum să joci:

This game is played with mouse only.

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