Cube Match joc:

Puzzle, 1 Jucător, Potrivire, 3D, HTML5, Potrivire 3, Blocuri, Mobil, Touchscreen | Dată Adăugată 29 Sep 2024
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  • Drag to rotate/Match cube

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Master the symbols and conquer the cube in Cube Puzzle the ultimate 3D cube-matching sensation game here at! Cube Puzzle is a mesmerizing 3D experience that puts your puzzle-solving skills to the ultimate test. In a world of floating cubes adorned with distinctive symbols, it's your mission to rotate the cluster and align the icons to your advantage. With a simple click, transfer cubes to your personal bar, but be strategic – only by aligning three identical symbols can you clear them away. With just eight slots at your disposal, every move counts. Can you keep the bar clear and outsmart the cube formations, or will a full bar be your downfall? The challenge escalates with every level, daring you to become the grand master of symbols. Get ready to twist, match, and triumph – your Cube Puzzle quest awaits! Have fun playing this cube puzzle game here at!

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