Crazy Alien Adventure joc:

1 Jucător, Capcane, Cumpărare Echipamente Actualizate, Platforme, Abilități Mouse, Extraterestru, Obstacol, Side Scrolling, Săritură, HTML5, Mobil, Touchscreen, Atinge | Dată Adăugată 23 Jul 2024
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Crazy Alien Adventure is an addictive and exciting game here at! You will play as a brave character who runs, jumps, and dashes through various worlds, collecting stars and power-ups along the way. Your goal is to rescue the animals that are trapped in cages by smashing the wooden stakes with your rush power. The more you run, the more points you get. You can also use the stars to buy items and outfits. Discover different kinds of animals in the game and try to save them all. How far can you go?

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Crazy Alien Adventure
Crazy Alien Adventure
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