Countries of Africa joc:

2 Jucători, 1 Jucător, Educaţional, Copilași, Abilități Mouse, Chestionar, HTML5, Mobil, Touchscreen, Gândire | Dată Adăugată 21 Nov 2020
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Do you consider yourself to be a worldly person? What do you know about Africa? Could you find it on a map? What about the individual countries within Africa? This is important, it is a test. "Africa" is the latest quiz game in our continuing series on world geography. We've brought you the world, we've brought you the United States, and now we're bringing you the cradle of civilization: Africa. Can you find Chad? What about Nigeria? Think fast: where is Kenya? Do you know? You should! The ability to find a country on a map is honorable and shows a real commitment to awareness about the world and the people in it! Play this educational game only on

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Acest joc este parte dintr-o serie:Geography quiz

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Countries of Africa
Countries of Africa
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