Charlie the Steak: Fanmade Computer Version joc:

1 Jucător, Simulare, Amuzant, Mâncare, HTML5, Touchscreen, Meme | Dată Adăugată 19 Sep 2024
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Play the quirky and humorous game that gained notoriety for its absurd premise and gameplay. The game features an anthropomorphic steak named Charlie, who players can interact with in various comedic ways, often involving beating him up with kitchen utensils. The objective is to relieve stress through the absurdity of torturing a piece of animated meat, which has become a cult favorite among fans for its bizarre charm. After being removed from the App Store in 2015, Charlie The Steak resurfaced as a meme and has since inspired fan-made versions and gameplay videos on platforms like YouTube. The game’s revival has sparked interest in its eccentric humor and unique gameplay, making it a memorable entry in the realm of unconventional mobile games. Charlie The Steak 3D online port is made by MattTheCool. Have fun playing this funny game here at!

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Charlie the Steak: Fanmade Computer Version
Charlie the Steak: Fanmade Computer Version
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