Cell to Singularity: Evolution joc:

1 Jucător, Simulare, Spaţiu, Cumpărare Echipamente Actualizate, WebGL, Clicking | Dată Adăugată 24 Jun 2024
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Embark on an epic journey of evolution in this cosmic clicker game. Start from the primordial soup over 4.5 billion years ago and witness the rise of life on Earth. Each click earns you Entropy, unlocking the next chapter in evolution’s story, from the extinction of dinosaurs to the Industrial Revolution and beyond. Explore future possibilities and the technological singularity. Enjoy countless hours of addictive gameplay, beautiful 3D habitats, and an epic classical soundtrack. Upgrade life from a single-cell organism to a space-faring civilization, and explore the science of life on Earth and beyond. Cell to Singularity is an engaging idle game that takes players through the journey of evolution, human civilization, and technological advancement. Starting as a single-cell organism, you progress through the tree of life, upgrading biology, intellect, and technology to create a thriving civilization on the brink of a technological singularity. Have fun playing this science simulation game here at Y8.com!

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Cell to Singularity: Evolution
Cell to Singularity: Evolution
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