Bunny Funny joc:

1 Jucător, Platforme, Abilități Mouse, Side Scrolling, Săritură, Iepuraş, HTML5, Mobil, Touchscreen, Fizică | Dată Adăugată 03 Jun 2024
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Get ready for a hopping good time in Bunny Funny! Join our adorable bunny on an egg-citing adventure. Your mission? Collect all the eggs and overcome obstacles by jumping over walls. But here's the catch - you'll need to time your jumps just right to go through the opening of the wall. But be careful, you've only got three jumps before the rope snaps! Precision is key as you navigate through tricky openings to reach the next egg. Can you master the art of bunny acrobatics and conquer Bunny Funny?

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