Bullet Bender Online joc:

1 Jucător, Stick, Cumpărare Echipamente Actualizate, Ucidere, 3D, Armă, Android, HTML5, Mobil, Touchscreen, A Treia Persoană Împușcătoare | Dată Adăugată 21 Oct 2020
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Bullet Bender Online is a special arcade game. You can experience classic scenes in Movie Wanted. Bend the bullet! But this time you are not an assassin, but a policeman. Control the trajectory of bullets, kill all enemies and defend hostages. Do you have the coordination, the dexterity, and the smarts to get past each level? Can you stop the enemies and take them all down with one shot? Are you the one? Guide the silver bullet or other up-gradable items to the correct destination that causes maximum damage! Once the gun fires at the targets you move it left and right, and up and down. Watch out for obstacles that get in your path! Play this fun game only on y8.com.

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Bullet Bender Online
Bullet Bender Online
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