Bridge joc:

1 Jucător, Poker, Cărţi, Cazinou, HTML5, Mobil, Touchscreen | Dată Adăugată 23 Jul 2024
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Bridge is played in rubbers. A rubber is completed when one side scores two games. A game is scored if one side gets a contract score of 100 points or more. This can be done in just one round or two or more rounds by making consecutive part-scores whose contract score add up to 100 points or more. When the rubbers is completed both teams compare their total points with higher score deciding the winner. Each round is divided into two main parts: bidding and play. After the hands are dealt, each team bets on how many tricks they think can win based on their hand strength and the suits available. A bid includes a number 1-1 and a trump suit. Enjoy playing this card poker game here at!

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