Bombsnack joc:

Arcade, 1 Jucător, Bombă, Reflex, Șarpe, HTML5, Mobil, Touchscreen | Dată Adăugată 29 Sep 2024
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15 jucări
  • Move snake

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Step into an arcade wonderland with our riveting 1-player game—a topsy-turvy twist on a classic snake game! Your task is to manage an eternally growing snake that must consume bombs to shorten and navigate its perilous path. Collect stars for score multipliers and chase the clock for whopping points—it’s all happening here! Meet the legendary snake, Ourobombos—who has grown tired of biting her own tail throughout eternity. Her unique solution? Detonate her constantly growing tail using bombs—to swap the taste of her own tail for a funky sizzle! Cross screen UI boundaries fearlessly— as she’ll re-emerge from the opposite side. Remember: take care not to let her bite her own tail— it’s an immediate game over! Enjoy playing this snake game here at!

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