Blocky Dino Park: T-Rex Rampage joc:

1 Jucător, Caută şi Distruge, Animal, 3D, Dinozaur, WebGL, Voxel | Dată Adăugată 14 Oct 2019
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The Tyrannosaurus Rex, also known as the T-Rex is the most dominant dinosaur ever lived past the Jurassic era, the Cretaceous period. A group of scientists has been trying to resurrect this king of dinosaur by mining the fossil of Tyrannosaurus Rex using a diamond pickaxe and put it on chicken mob. They survive and build a blocky dinosaur park of Jurassic era. The human of blocky world contains the T-Rex and put it on a cage along with some of newborn babies made by using DNA mutation on chickens. The human give T-Rex bad treatment and angered the king of dinosaur! The T-Rex are going to break free and rampage thru the park to destroy everything, bite every human police, guards, farmers, villagers, and park visitors. The dino hunt begins. Human are attempted to do some dinosaur hunting game on the rampaging T-Rex. They called the military and armies with the help of futuristic robot to capture the king of prehistoric beast. Human also trying to make another mutant T-Rex, the Dominator Rex or D-Rex to fight against the rampaging T-Rex. Will the human be able to do a dinosaur hunt and survive the jurassic rampage of T-Rex?

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Blocky Dino Park: T-Rex Rampage
Blocky Dino Park: T-Rex Rampage
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