Block Eating Simulator joc:

Multiplayer, 3D, Blocuri, WebGL, Bătălie Roială | Dată Adăugată 10 Sep 2024
Adaugă la cele mai bune 3 jocuri ale tale
20 jucări
  • Move
    Zoom In/Out
  • Two Player Mode:
  • :
  • Player 2:

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The battle of the blocks begins in the block's arena with this great eating simulator game. Eat blocks around and grow your cube. Become the biggest block of the arena. Find various cube skins. Play single or 2 player! Cube players are all around the arena and they are eating blocks, cubes, and lower-scored players. Each block you eat will give you some points. Try to eat as many blocks as possible and try to eat low-scored players. Try to get to the top of the leaderboard. Have fun playing this game here at!

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Block Eating Simulator
Block Eating Simulator
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