Baby Princess Messy Swimming Pool joc:

1 Jucător, Flash, Înot, Prinţesă | (1.37 MB) Dată Adăugată 02 Sep 2015
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Today is the birthday of the Baby princess who resides next to your house. She is a very good girl. She is very kind and generous. You have been invited to the birthday party. On the day of the birthday of the princess, if you want to do something meaningful clean the swimming pool of the princess. It is where the party is going to take place. The place looks dirty as it has not been cleaned for many days. You are here to help the family. Clean the place spick and span. The family and the baby princess will be pleased if you help them. Join the family and celebrate the birthday of the baby in a grand manner. Thank you.

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Baby Princess Messy Swimming Pool
Baby Princess Messy Swimming Pool
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