Attack of Alien Mutants 2 joc:

1 Jucător, Sânge, Extraterestru, First Person Shooter, 3D, Armă, Monştri, Cont Y8, WebGL, Cele mai mari scoruri Y8, Realizări Y8, Supraviețuire Horror | Dată Adăugată 18 Apr 2018
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  • Move
    (Left): Sprint
    (Left): Crouch
    Lean Left
    Lean Right
    Toggle Mouse Cursor
    Use and Move Item, Move NPC
    Show Controls
  • Shoot/Attack
    Fire Mode
    Holster Weapon
    Backspace: Drop Weapon
    Throw Grenade
    Select Grenade
    Melee Attack
    Enter Bullet Time
    Toggle Dead Zone Aiming

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After clearing your area from those dreaded alien mutants, you found out that they have taken over the city! Knowing you're the only hope of humanity, with a simple gun in your hand, you head up to the city not knowing what the outcome will be. Your only mission is to destroy the alien's mothership! It will be one hell of a fight and you're not the one who's gonna back down! Play Attack of Alien Mutants 2 and experience how to obliterate those alien scums!

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Attack of Alien Mutants 2
Attack of Alien Mutants 2
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