Apple Shooter joc:

1 Jucător, Sânge, Gore, Abilități Mouse, Fruct, Arc, HTML5, Mobil, Touchscreen | Dată Adăugată 13 Sep 2018
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    (Hold & Release) Shoot

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Apple Shooter is an HTML5 archery game that will test your skills as an Indian warrior. Being a sharp-shooter is what this game needs since the life of your friend depends on how well you target the apple. Every time you hit the apple, the distance between you and your friend will be farther. Also, there will be some sort of a barricade to make the difficulty more advanced. Your friend's life is at risk. There's no room for mistakes so be brave and be sharp enough to target the apple and try not to kill your dear friend. Take your time in controlling the power and direction of the bow to perfect the shot and save your friend. You can play this exciting game on your mobile phones such as iPhone, Android, and even on your iPads, cool right? Play this addicting game and become an amazing Indian warrior!

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Apple Shooter
Apple Shooter
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