Animal Matching For Kids joc:

Puzzle, 1 Jucător, Flash, Potrivire, Animal | (7.43 MB) Dată Adăugată 06 Sep 2015
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While your child is playing Animal Puzzle, you will witness that the matching, tactual and fine motor skills of your child will develop. This game consists of 30 different pictures. By the end of this game your child will have known the 120 different animals with their sounds. First he will see the shadows of the animals into the pictures. Then he will match the animal picture with the correct shadow and then he will complete the picture. Thus you will see that the visual intelligence and attention skills of your child will develop. As soon as each picture is completed, baloons, hearts and clovers will appear on the screen as an award and your child tries to blast them. As a result his motor skills will also develop.

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