Alien Onslaught joc:

Navă spaţială, Ucidere, Extraterestru, Tanc, First Person Shooter, 3D, Rachetă, Armă, Cont Y8, WebGL, Salvare Y8, Realizări Y8 | Dată Adăugată 11 Jun 2024
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29 jucări
  • Move
    Camera View
    Look Around
    Lock/Unlock Target
    Toggle Mouse

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Prepare for an extraterrestrial invasion in Alien Onslaught, a thrilling 3D game where the fate of Earth hangs in the balance. Armed with rockets, your mission is to thwart the alien onslaught by obliterating their spacecraft before they breach our atmosphere. Descend to the planet's surface to confront hordes of monstrous aliens, utilizing strategic firepower to eradicate every last threat. Take command of a tank to demolish their ground-based vehicles and fortifications, leaving no stone unturned in your quest to safeguard humanity. Will you rise to the challenge and defend Earth at all costs?

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Alien Onslaught
Alien Onslaught
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