Academy Assault joc:

Lupte, 1 Jucător, Reflex, WebGL, Pixel | Dată Adăugată 29 Sep 2024
Adaugă la cele mai bune 3 jocuri ale tale
13 jucări
  • Interact/Strike

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Cael has decided to challenge Rin, the strongest in the academy that he goes to. She will only accept his challenge after he has defeated the other students in Imperium Academy. Strike to win a fight, you must react faster than your opponent by pressing spacebar before them in a simple standoff. All of the academy members have something absolutely insane to say and your goal is to survive as many rounds as possible so you can face off against Rin, the strongest in the academy. Have fun playing this reflex skill fighting game here at!

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Academy Assault
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