3D Anime Fantasy joc:

Abilități Mouse, Îmbrăcare, 3D, Zână, HTML5, Obiect Ascuns, Înfrumuseţare / Machiaj, Mobil, Touchscreen | Dată Adăugată 09 Sep 2020
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Explore this magical fantasy world in 3D and create an amazing outfit for the cute anime girl! Select a beautiful wardrobe and hairstyle and find the hidden items in the room. Customize your character with cool accessories like wands, spells and an animal companion and enchant the landscape with your magical powers! She also needs some magical weapons and accessories to safeguard herself. Can you find and collect these things in the room for her? She will go outside with her horse. Create a fantasy world for them after dress up. Join in the game 3D Anime Fantasy to learn it. The girl wants to go outside. Help the anime girl dress up firstly. play this fun game on y8.com

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3D Anime Fantasy
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