3 Foot Ninja II joc:

Lupte, 1 Jucător, Flash, Ninja | (2.34 MB) Dată Adăugată 12 Mar 2007
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  • Spin Slash
    Normal Swing
    Downward Slash
    Jump Up
    Jump Down
    Move Left
    Move Right
    Crouch and Block
    Stamina Potion
    Health Potion
    Invisibility Potion

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Depending on your difficulty setting. Your enemies will die after a while. They may stop chasing you and just depend themselves against your attacks. There are four pieces of the Golden Scarab to be found in the game. Find all of them for a bonus at the end of the game. Some objects in the game can be broken. They may reveal content such as Health or Stamina.

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3 Foot Ninja II
3 Foot Ninja II
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