100 Doors Challenge joc:

Puzzle, 1 Jucător, Evadare, WebGL, Gândire | Dată Adăugată 16 Oct 2024
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It's time to enjoy lots of unique and thrilling puzzles where you'll have to solve some riddles and find numerous hidden objects that will allow you to advance in the game 100 Doors Challenge! Watch each screen and swipe objects at will to find tools that will allow you to advance to the next level! Squeeze your brain, don't let your nerves stop you from advancing, use all your abilities and manage to open all 100 doors by moving the elevator little by little to the final level, solve all kinds of complex puzzles, find the items that will facilitate your goal and advance to the next level, stop. Enjoy playing this point and click puzzle game here at Y8.com!

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100 Doors Challenge
100 Doors Challenge
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